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The Empress


Hello everybody! Welcome to my column.

Each month I will draw a Major Arcana tarot card which represents one of many possible paths to follow. Major Arcana cards represent the archetypical themes of life, presenting the overall possible experiences.

Deck: Mermaid Tarot By Leeza Robertson Illustrations by Julie

Card: The Empress #3

The Empress is the “mother card” of tarot. She is strong, compassionate, patient, intuitive, and loving. She is the epitome of potential, literally and metaphysically. The Empress never underestimates the power of planting a seed, and then allowing the time for that seed to grow. She wants us to have all that our heart desires. She wants to be sure that we are willing to follow through, moment to moment; trusting the process one step at a time. This goes for our jobs, our creative projects, our relationships, our spiritual learning, our new mindsets, our entire lives.

When we try to skip ahead and rush through the process it’s common to feel anger, resentment, and as though nothing is working out for us. It’s easy to fall into the trap of our own ego “must have it now” timeline. During this time it’s a test in our resilience, our perseverance, and our selves.

Staying committed and allowing things to unfold in their right time can be so hard. Sometimes what we are headed for literally pushes us to the edge; pushing us to break free of the limits we’ve put on ourselves.

We are encouraged to trust in the path of our own divine timing and nurture ourselves by showing ourselves love while in this struggle. We can go back to our core and find the inner calm and why we began in the first place. If we refocus on our goal and transmute the frustration back into loving energy it will bring patience to our minds. When we listen to our intuition it will help to guide us in all that we do. We are encouraged to trust in ourselves.

This next month be sure to give ourselves and others grace as we continue into this transitional period of expansion. Know that we are not alone and that asking for a sign, is, in itself a sign. Let us leave ourselves open to receiving the answers we are searching for.

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DISCLAIMER: Brittani with Grace, Divination and Motivational Encouragement Consultation Services, is a personal development tool. It does not constitute medical/ mental health diagnosis or treatment, or professional financial solutions. Please consult licensed healthcare professionals and financial advisors as necessary.

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